
The ice skating club lake exclusively promotes and focuses the figure skating popular sport. One of the most important objectives of the association is to provide the participants of its offer with high-quality technical basics.

The team of the Eislaufclub See conveys the passion and joy of this sport to its members.


Unser Lehrerteam/ Coaches

Leonie Shield
Sports Director & Coach


J&S leader figure skating

J&S leader children's sport

J&S Leader Synchronized Skating


Tamara Guggisberg-Däpp


CreaDance Instructor

Dipl. children's dance teacher Swissdance

Cardio Dance and HipHop Instructor S.A.F.S

Zumba® Instructor

J&S leader children's sport

J&S leader figure skating


Leonie Buntschu


J+S Trainerin


Nathalie Sacchet


Cécile Burri
1418 Coach


Alyne Chappuis
1418 Coach

The Board of Directors

Michiyo Amberg



Sina Rüegsegger


Primary school teacher

Dipl. dance teacher Swissdance

J&S leader dance sport

J&S leader children's sport


Tamara Guggisberg-Däpp


CreaDance Instructor

Dipl. children's dance teacher Swissdance

Cardio Dance and HipHop Instructor S.A.F.S

Zumba® Instructor

J&S leader children's sport

J&S leader figure skating


Renata Rätzo


Leonie Shield
Sports Director


J&S leader children's sport

J&S leader figure skating

The Statutes of the ECS

Statutes of the ice skating club See


Name and location

Under the name "EislaufclubSee" there is an association in the sense of art. 60 ff. ZGB with headquarters in Murten. It is politically and denominationally independent.


Aim and purpose

  • the association explicitly aims at the promotion of popular ice skating
  • the organisation of courses and events in the field of amateur ice skating
  • the association is politically and denominationally neutral


The association has the following means at its disposal to pursue the purpose of the association:

  • membership dues
  • Income from own events
  • subsidies
  • Income from service agreements
  • Donations and contributions of all kinds

The membership fees are determined annually by the general meeting. Honorary members and acting board members are exempt from the contribution.

The financial year runs from 1 September to 31 August.



Active members with voting rights are natural persons who carry out ice-skating activities in the ECS.

Passive members with voting rights can be natural or legal persons who support the association both ideally and financially.

Persons who have made a special contribution to the Association may be granted honorary membership by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Executive Board.

Applications for admission shall be addressed to the Executive Board; the Executive Board shall decide on admission.



Termination of membership

Membership expires

  • for natural persons by resignation, expulsion or death.
  • in the case of legal persons, by withdrawal, exclusion or dissolution of the legal person.



Admission to the club is possible at any time. Accession to the ECS is open to everyone. With their admission to the association, the persons admitted acknowledge the association's statutes. With the payment of the membership fee, the admitted person becomes a member in the current calendar year. Membership is not automatically renewed for the following year.


Withdrawal and exclusion

You can leave the club at any time. The full membership fee has to be paid for the year that has just begun.

A member can be expelled from the association at any time due to violation of the statutes or violations of the aims of the association.

Organs of the association

The organs of the association are:

  1. the general meeting
  2. the Board of Directors
  3. the Auditors


The General Assembly

The supreme organ of the association is the general meeting. An ordinary general meeting takes place annually in the 2nd quarter.

The members are invited to the general meeting in advance in writing, stating the agenda. Invitations by e-mail are valid.

Requests for items to be placed on the agenda for the attention of the general meeting must be submitted in writing to the executive committee 2 weeks in advance.

The executive committee or 1/5 of the members can demand at any time the convocation of an extraordinary general meeting under information of the purpose. The meeting must take place no later than 4 weeks after receipt of the request.

The General Assembly has the following inalienable duties and powers:

  1. Approval of the minutes of the last general meeting
  2. Approval of the annual report of the Management Board
  3. Acceptance of the audit report and approval of the annual financial statements
  4. Approval of the actions of the Management Board
  5. Election of the President and the other members of the Board of Directors as well as the
  6. Determination of the membership fee
  7. Approval of the annual budget
  8. Resolution on the programme of activities
  9. Resolution on further business contributed by the members or the Management Board
  10. Amendment of the Articles of Association
  11. Decision on expulsion of members.
  12. Resolution on the dissolution of the Association and the use of the liquidation proceeds.

Every duly convened general meeting has a quorum, regardless of the number of members present.

The members take the decisions with the simple majority. In the event of a tie, the Chairman shall have the casting vote.

Amendments to the statutes require the approval of a 2/3 majority of those entitled to vote.

Minutes shall be drawn up at least of the decisions taken.


The Board of Directors

The executive committee consists of at least 2 persons.

The term of office shall be 1 year. Re-election is possible.

The executive committee leads the current business and represents the association externally.

It issues regulations.

It may set up working groups (specialised groups).

It may hire or commission persons for the attainment of the Association's objectives against compensation customary in the market.

The Board of Directors has all competencies that are not transferred to another body by law or in accordance with these Articles of Association.

The board constitutes itself.

The board meets as often as business requires. Any member of the Executive Board may request that a meeting be convened, stating the reasons. If no member of the Executive Board requests oral deliberation, the adoption of a resolution by circular letter (also e-mail) is valid.

The Executive Board is generally active on an honorary basis and is entitled to reimbursement of effective expenses.


The Auditors

The general meeting elects an auditor to audit the accounts and carry out a spot check at least once a year.

The Auditors report and propose to the Board of Directors for the attention of the General Meeting.

The term of office shall be 1 year. Re-election is possible.



signing authority

The association is bound by the collective signature of the president together with another member of the board.



The ECS declines any liability for accidents of any kind. It's a matter

of each member to insure himself against accidents. Only the association's assets are liable for the association's debts. A personal liability of the members is excluded.


Dissolution of the association

The dissolution of the Association may be resolved by a resolution of an ordinary or extraordinary General Meeting and by a majority vote of the qualified majority of the members present.

A merger may only take place with another legal entity domiciled in Switzerland that is exempt from tax due to its non-profit status or public purpose. In the event of dissolution, the profit and capital are transferred to another legal entity domiciled in Switzerland that is tax-exempt for charitable or public purposes. The distribution of the association's assets among the members is excluded. This provision is irrevocable.


coming into effect

These Statutes were adopted at the Founding Meeting on 1 May 2019 and entered into force on that date.

Charta Eislaufclub See

Charta Eislaufclub See DE + FR